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Sudden Computer Shutdown - Resolving the Issue

          It can be quite annoying if your computer keeps shutting down automatically without your permission, or without giving you any warning. You might lose some important and unsaved data in this process. If it is a system crash and not a simple shutdown, then you might also lose the saved data in your hard disk.

          Frequent random shutdowns may damage the motherboard permanently. So try troubleshooting the problem as soon as possible.
Sudden turning off of computers may be due to many reasons. There are a number of factors that could cause such issues. Damage of windows registry settings is one of the major reasons for sudden shutdown of your computers.
          You might want to explore some basic troubleshooting methods to get rid of this problem. In order to choose the correct alternative, you will first need to understand the main reasons for automatic shutdown of systems.
          Factors to be considered to avoid random shutting down of computers:
This problem might have started due to something that you added recently in your computer. It may be due to recently installed software or a hardware component. So, consider rechecking all the factors for their appropriate configurations.
          There are many types of malware or virus programs that may cause your computer to shutdown suddenly. You will need to get rid of such programs as soon as possible. Run a full system virus scan on all the partitions of your hard drive. Make sure that you update you antivirus program before scanning.
          Upgrading and adding of devices should be ideally done one at a time, in order to avoid conflicts between them. Sometimes the system could slow down if the memory is full, and it could also cause sudden shutdown issues. Make sure that you have appropriate RAM according to the size of your hard drive and the type of processor you use. Mismatch in system configurations can cause system shutdown issues.

          Resolving heat issues by placing a desk-fan near your personal computer:
Excessive heat may be another cause for CPU failure resulting in random shutdowns. Keep checking the proper functioning of your internal fan regularly. Keep it clean and free from fluff and dust. If the internal fan does not keep your CPU cool, then you can use a table fan for cooling your system. Use a flat fan for cooling your laptops or notebooks. While using a table fan, you could open one of the sides by removing the panel. However, it will make your system vulnerable to dust. It is always a better option to change the internal fan, or to buy a cabinet with double fans.

Checking for issues on safe mode:
Safe mode option in Windows operating system loads all the default programs without loading any externally installed software on your computer. This can test whether the problem is due to any software, or if there are any hardware related issues. Reboot your computer and press F8 button to run your system in the safe mode. If the problem persists, then there is some hardware causing it. You might have to contact a technician to detect the faulty component.

By Ramonr Coburn

PC Crash or Freezing of Computers and Their Solutions

PC Crash or Freezing of Computers and Their Solutions
A personal computer or a laptop has become an important tool for almost everyone these days. Using a PC is not a luxury anymore. In fact, it has now become a basic necessity. However, we do face problems with our computers every now and again. The biggest of all the computer problems is the system crash, or the dreaded blue screen.
Usually such problems might occur due to hardware or software issues. More often than not, it will be because of the operating system getting corrupted. Issues related to operating system usually arise if you use a pirated OS.
What are the issues that cause freezing of Windows?
There are a wide range of reasons that could cause freezing of PCs. It could be due to hardware problems, or due to system files getting corrupted. Sometimes, the systems freeze if we do not use them properly. For example, improper shutdown of computers can cause issues. If you repeat it several times, then there are chances of operating system getting corrupted. Once the OS is corrupted, then you will not be able to switch on your computer. It means that you will see a blank screen, or a blue screen display.
Damaged registry:
Another reason that might cause a system freeze is the damaged registry. Registry basically has the core information that manages overall operations of systems. When the registry gets corrupted, it will eventually lead to OS failures or system crash. The systems become unpredictable, and you will not be able to use them efficiently. Registry is the most useful part of your PC, especially in a Windows Operation System. It is more like a central repository that stores all the software settings and preference options.
System registry is the vital core of a computer that calls a number of settings each and every time an individual uses the system. Since the registry is used more frequently, there are chances of it getting corrupted. Even virus and spyware can attack the registry files and mess up the settings.
How to prevent system crash?
You will need to have considerable knowledge to fix the registry issues. However, there are many Registry Cleaning and repair programs that will help you resolve the registry issues with quite an ease. They are also very simple to use. All you will need to do is, download and install them on your system. Although, the registry is not the only reason for Windows crash, it is one of the main reasons for the problems associated with PC freezing.
Make sure that you use your computers in a systematic manner. Don't directly unplug your systems without shutting down the windows. Use a proper UPS System for power backup, so that your system does not get switched off automatically when the power goes off. Your UPS should give you sufficient time to save your works and shutdown your system. Update your antivirus regularly to download the latest virus definitions. Keep your system free from dust and moisture.

By Ramonr Coburn

Diagnosing Protocols Before You Submit Your Unit For Computer Repair

Not every malfunction you encounter with your PC requires a computer repair. Often times, the machine's failure to start are merely related to a faulty power source. The same goes for your laptops. So you should always try to diagnose the problem yourself first, before you submit your device for a computer or laptop repair. It would be a shame to waste all that money for a fix you could have done yourself. To help you out in this initial process, here are some guidelines you should follow.
a. If your computer or laptop does not turn on properly the first time or gives error messages you don't understand, perform a power cycle and see if the condition improves. Sometimes, glitches occur out of nowhere and the unit only needs to reboot in order to get its programs in order.
b. If the power cycle does not work, check the connection to the power source. It seems silly now, but a lot of times, people fail to restart their units or get internet connection, because they don't have their devices plugged in to the right outlet. For laptops, try turning it on using the cord without the battery, and also using the battery without the cord. If one of these power sources is corrupted, there is usually that tendency for them to confuse the system. For program errors, try to uninstall and reinstall the problematic application.
c. If all is in place and nothing is still working properly, swap compatible components with stocked ones or those from working units and see if the same problem occurs. Make sure to change one thing at a time, so you can identify what is working and what isn't. See, 70% of the time, computer errors are brought about by faulty cabling, connections and peripherals.
d. If the problem is mostly because of the platform you are working on, then create a backup copy of your files or save them in the D drive in your PC, and then reformat your computer or laptop.
e. If all of the steps above have not worked, keep your calm and don't lash out on your equipment. If you feel like you're about to get frustrated, then walk away from the problem and start taking down notes on what you have done and what you have observed. You can use this information to find out if there is anything else you can do. If you discover that there's nothing else in your capacity that you could try out, endorse your list to the computer or laptop repair technician so he doesn't waste his time and you don't waste your money.
Given that computers and/or laptops are machines incapable of self-preservation and regeneration, expect that you will have to submit them for laptop or computer repair every now and then to maintain their functions. Frequent upgrades may also be necessary, as well as the installation of a strong and sensitive antivirus program is advised.
Now, if you are dealing with a lot of units and very sensitive information, it would be smart if you employ an in-house networking expert to take care of your system on a regular basis. Or if you have the time, study how to keep your set-up in pristine condition to prevent crashes.

By Cedric P Loiselle

Get The Most Out Of Your iPhone With This Advice

Everyone is aware of the power of the Apple iPhone, whether they own one or not. If you own or are thinking about buying an iPhone, read on for some great tips on using it and personalizing it.
You can download an app to allow your iPhone to upload files and save them as a storage option. Whether you want to carry videos, music, photos or documents, you can easily put them on your phone. You just connect your iPhone to your computer and transfer your files from your computer to your iPhone.
You do not have to be concerned about being lost once you have an iPhone. Mapping software comes with your iPhone so that you can immediately start pinpointing locations without having to worry about adding an app. You can find directions home or explore new regions you never considered before.
Interruptions many frequently bother you while you are using your iPhone. It might be more important to wrap up your current project than to check out the notice. You can get rid of that notification easily. You just wipe away the pop up screen.
Did your iPhone freeze or is unresponsive? If it is unresponsive to clicking the Home button, hold down the Home button. This will automatically close any locked apps. If this does not work, hold these buttons simultaneously for five more seconds. Doing this should cause the Apple to pop up on the screen and your mobile device will reset.
For a quick way to add, subtract or multiply, don't forget that calculator function on your iPhone; it's located in your phone's utilities section. When held vertically, the calculator is a standard calculator, but when held horizontally, it becomes a highly-functional scientific calculator.
If you are unhappy with Siri's mechanized voice, know that there are other choices. Siri can be found in General Settings. Once you do this, you can set the Siri's language to French, German, or English. You can even change her voice, if you wish, to reflect a British or Australian accent. In fact, the British version of Siri has a male voice.
You may run into a problem in which you are unable to power up your iPhone by pressing its Sleep/Wake button. Fortunately, a hard reset remedies the problem. Hold down the Sleep/Wake button and the Home key at the same time. Your phone will shut down, then restart if everything was able to reset properly.
One of the useful things you can do with your iPhone is share pictures with your various contacts. You can do this in two different ways. First, save your image and add as an email attachment, or you can upload it to your application on Facebook so everyone can see.
As you can see from the advice in the above article, there is always something new to learn about the most effective way to use an iPhone. If this is the case for you, all that is left to do is to put the information to use to get the most out of your phone, or decide if the phone is right for you.
By Ron Bailey

Computer Hangs/Stuck! What to do? Reformat? Oh No!

There's a solutions that I would like to share with you guys...You can try this application
if you suspect that your computers are infected with malware/virus/trojan...even if you are not sure, you still can try to use this application to identify your issue whether it solved or not...this application called combofix and you can read more details on how to use and download from the following sites!



Updates after a long time sleep...

Thanks for those that are found my blog is useful, I will start update this blog again but not so frequent because of there are also personal things I need to follow up...BTW thanks for all of you coz making me feel alive and wants to start over again with this humble blog...cheers peeps!

AND congrats to Spain coz win EURO 2012!

