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Keeping Your USB Flash Drive Virus Free

These days a USB Flash Drive is something that most people have and use. Since it is easy and convenient to use most people depend on it for file transfers. What they don't realize is that this makes the USB susceptible to getting infected with a virus. If you often use your flash drive with several different computers then you need to make sure that you keep it virus free.
  1. Be Careful. One of the easiest ways to be sure that your USB does not get infected is by being careful. Avoid using it on public computers and use it only with computers that you know are safe. It is also a good idea to avoid lending it out since you do not really know where others may use it.
  2.  Scan It. Some of us do not bother to run a scan before using our flash drives because it seems like a waste of time. This does not take very long and it can save you a heart break later. Before you use it on your computer make sure that its been scanned. It is also a good idea to do a scan before you open or run any files that you have put in the flash drive. This way you'll know whether or not to continue using the USB.
  3. Prevent Infections. Like with many other things prevention can be better than a cure. Instead of finding a way to get rid of a virus on your flash drive you can just keep the virus at bay. The easiest way to do this is again by using a USB anti-virus scan or a USB clean up. This way you can make sure that you get rid of any virus or infection before it can be put into action.
These three things are all very simple and easy to do. You just need to make sure that you take the time out to do it. Keep these in mind especially when using a promotional USB or your external hard drives.
Armon Rostami is a recognised expert in the field of design and brand management. He has over seven years commercial experience in this area.

By Armon Rostami


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